Domain & Cloud Storage Integration
- We deploy the software on your own domain and cloud storage platform to ensure the data is stored and owned by you. You may choose to procure the domain from Google Domains or Godaddy & cloud storage from Amazon Web Services or Google Cloud Platform if you already don’t posses one. Evalo will execute the configuration of domain & servers and deploy the software on the same.

• The database keeps all your important information securely stored in a single place. Instead of relying on numerous spreadsheets, software and other unsafe places that may end up costing you essential information without even realizing it, centralize everything with the database
• When you create a case for valuation, you can search your database and find out if the record of the property is already available. Everyone has access to the exact same information, confirming there’s no duplicate information and it’s always up-to-date
• When you open one of your valuation’s entries, you can see all the actions related to it and corresponding audit trails
• Enables you to analyze data, trends, business progress
Evalo Valuer Application
- Property details from the field reaches your office in few minutes will save your overall TAT of the valuation report
• Evalo’s mobile application makes it easier for you to easily access your valuations wherever you are
• You can save your traveling time to and fro your office as details of the property valuations (Applicant Name, Contact Number, Address and Documents) can be shared to you over the application
• Property Pics, Coordinates, Data Sheets can be uploaded in the application. This data is available for the data entry user within few minutes and helps in reducing the overall TAT
• Enables the business to track and monitor field engineer’s location to effectively manage resource using GPS Based Valuer Allocation
• Automates location conveyance of the field engineers

Evalo Report Generation
- Generating reports in various clients’ formats depending on the property type and loan type is a cumbersome and time consuming process

• The interface reduces data entry errors with drop downs
• Eases training of new resources with standardized flow
• Property Document are tagged against respective document type and their corresponding mandatory fields are suggested for data entry
• Choice of working between standardized data entry flow for junior resources and faster flow for experienced senior resources
• Tracks errors committed by the resources for identifying their training needs
• Automates report generation in client’s formats. No more worries of aligning reports, pictures and route maps
Evalo’s GPS Based Valuation Comparables
- Confidence in the valuation opinion of the property is the key in successful valuation
• Use your historical valuation data of the geography to strengthen your opinion of your subject property
• Feature enables you to compare your valuation data by property type, distance, negative properties for the subject property’s geography

Evalo’s Invoice Management
- Do you worry about revenue leakage on account of missing to raise invoices and loosing track of receivables?

• Many a times your business ends up missing to raise invoices to your clients or is really a cumbersome process as data is managed manually – Evalo’s Invoice Management helps you raise invoices of every valuation submitted to your client
• You can raise invoice to a client for a particular time frame or invoice for individual valuations with the reports
• Invoice formats can be customized as per the client’s needs
• Track your receivables against each valuation and minimize your revenue leakage
Local Conveyance Management
- Worried about high cost of conveyance expense and productivity?
• Evalo Valuer Application enables to measure the travel distance of your field staff and their corresponding conveyance
• Manage their attendance, time spent on the field and derive insights to use the resources effectively

eMail and SMS Alerts
- Studies reveal we spend 25 – 30% of the time over phone responding to clients and customers on the status updates and progress
• Automate your status update of every stage of the valuation, queries, reports to your client’s over eMail and SMS
• Send across SMS alerts to customers about the schedule of property visit, field engineer details and the list of documents required
• Ease the communication process, improve productive time, improve client experience and hence business
Dedupe Functionality
- Wish to same time in the data entry of reports to save overall TAT and client satisfaction
• Allows you to find if you have already valued a particular property and its history
• Automates generation of valuation report for a new client of valuations already done for a different client
• With few manual data entry, generate subsequent reports at ease
• Auto population of repeat data like name, property address, etc
Tracking & Monitoring, GPS Based Valuer Allocation
- Spending all day trying to figure out where your team is and the status of the valuations?

• Use Evalo application to track crew locations in near real-time
• Know the status of the valuations in a click
• Assign valuation sites closest to your engineer’s location
• Evaluate the time spent by your field team at the site and their corresponding traveling time
• Optimize your business for effective utilization of your resources
Multi-Branch Control
- Wish to be 100% in control when managing your branches?
• Track overall performance of your branches
• Be in complete control of the valuations from wherever you are
- Spending all day trying to figure out where your team is and the status of the valuations?

• Up-to-date information on every Valuation, Resource, Branch
• Infographics with the right information to drive actionable insights
• Drilldown into each item
• Communicate the real-time status
• Compare business parameters over different time frames
• Exhaustive Charts to derive insights for various business parameters
Domain & Cloud Storage Integration
- We deploy the software on your own domain and cloud storage platform to ensure the data is stored and owned by you. You may choose to procure the domain from Google Domains or Godaddy & cloud storage from Amazon Web Services or Google Cloud Platform if you already don’t posses one. Evalo will execute the configuration of domain & servers and deploy the software on the same.

• The database keeps all your important information securely stored in a single place. Instead of relying on numerous spreadsheets, software and other unsafe places that may end up costing you essential information without even realizing it, centralize everything with the database
• When you create a case for valuation, you can search your database and find out if the record of the property is already available. Everyone has access to the exact same information, confirming there’s no duplicate information and it’s always up-to-date
• When you open one of your valuation’s entries, you can see all the actions related to it and corresponding audit trails
• Enables you to analyze data, trends, business progress
Evalo Valuer Application
- Property details from the field reaches your office in few minutes will save your overall TAT of the valuation report
• Evalo’s mobile application makes it easier for you to easily access your valuations wherever you are
• You can save your traveling time to and fro your office as details of the property valuations (Applicant Name, Contact Number, Address and Documents) can be shared to you over the application
• Property Pics, Coordinates, Data Sheets can be uploaded in the application. This data is available for the data entry user within few minutes and helps in reducing the overall TAT
• Enables the business to track and monitor field engineer’s location to effectively manage resource using GPS Based Valuer Allocation
• Automates location conveyance of the field engineers

Evalo Report Generation
- Generating reports in various clients’ formats depending on the property type and loan type is a cumbersome and time consuming process

• The interface reduces data entry errors with drop downs
• Eases training of new resources with standardized flow
• Property Document are tagged against respective document type and their corresponding mandatory fields are suggested for data entry
• Choice of working between standardized data entry flow for junior resources and faster flow for experienced senior resources
• Tracks errors committed by the resources for identifying their training needs
• Automates report generation in client’s formats. No more worries of aligning reports, pictures and route maps
Evalo’s GPS Based Valuation Comparables
- Confidence in the valuation opinion of the property is the key in successful valuation

• Use your historical valuation data of the geography to strengthen your opinion of your subject property
• Feature enables you to compare your valuation data by property type, distance, negative properties for the subject property’s geography
Evalo’s Invoice Management
- Do you worry about revenue leakage on account of missing to raise invoices and loosing track of receivables?

• Many a times your business ends up missing to raise invoices to your clients or is really a cumbersome process as data is managed manually – Evalo’s Invoice Management helps you raise invoices of every valuation submitted to your client
• You can raise invoice to a client for a particular time frame or invoice for individual valuations with the reports
• Invoice formats can be customized as per the client’s needs
Local Conveyance Management
- Worried about high cost of conveyance expense and productivity?

• Evalo Valuer Application enables to measure the travel distance of your field staff and their corresponding conveyance
• Manage their attendance, time spent on the field and derive insights to use the resources effectively
eMail and SMS Alerts
- Studies reveal we spend 25 – 30% of the time over phone responding to clients and customers on the status updates and progress
• Automate your status update of every stage of the valuation, queries, reports to your client’s over eMail and SMS
• Send across SMS alerts to customers about the schedule of property visit, field engineer details and the list of documents required
• Ease the communication process, improve productive time, improve client experience and hence business
Dedupe Functionality
- Wish to same time in the data entry of reports to save overall TAT and client satisfaction
• Allows you to find if you have already valued a particular property and its history
• Automates generation of valuation report for a new client of valuations already done for a different client
• With few manual data entry, generate subsequent reports at ease
• Auto population of repeat data like name, property address, etc
Tracking & Monitoring, GPS Based Valuer Allocation
- Spending all day trying to figure out where your team is and the status of the valuations?

• Use Evalo application to track crew locations in near real-time
• Know the status of the valuations in a click
• Assign valuation sites closest to your engineer’s location
• Evaluate the time spent by your field team at the site and their corresponding traveling time
• Optimize your business for effective utilization of your resources
Multi-Branch Control
- Wish to be 100% in control when managing your branches?
• Track overall performance of your branches
• Be in complete control of the valuations from wherever you are
- Spending all day trying to figure out where your team is and the status of the valuations?

• Up-to-date information on every Valuation, Resource, Branch
• Infographics with the right information to drive actionable insights
• Drilldown into each item
• Communicate the real-time status
• Compare business parameters over different time frames
• Exhaustive Charts to derive insights for various business parameters